Living , Loving , Learning!

John, Voice Divine Add comments
He that believes on the Son has life eternal … <3:36>

A Solemn Call — Building 3 Kinds of Relationship with our Lord :
1. Relationship of Life?v.3…15?– We need to be born again!
2. Relationship of Love?v.16…30?– He is the bridegroom & we are the one He loves!
3. Relationship of Learning?v.31…36?— We need to learn the truth from His witness !

?Though it was rainy, we have great harvest on Sunday in 4 districts HK. his gospel prevails! A sister’s colleague was not able to com because of account report for her company. But our sister prayed & asked God to make a way. She then kept on inviting for 3 times. 2 days before gospel meeting, the report was miraculously finished early. The colleague came and believed on rainy Sunday! ”He who is watching the wind will not get the seed planted, and he who is looking at the clouds will not get in the grain.” But those who put in seed with weeping will get the harvest. Praise the Lord!

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