Living Water !

John, Voice Divine Add comments
… Jesus says to her, Give me to drink ?

Confess your hidden sins , give your heart to Him — the way to gain the living water?v.3…4??
1. 5 husbands?v.16…18?… One will always be thirsty if he tries to find satisfaction in the world!
2. A living water?v.13…14?…Open both yourself & your heart to Lord, living water of Holy Spirit will flow in!

?In 73 AD the 10th legion of the Roman Empire besieged the city Masada with 15,000 of elite troops. The Jewish leader El’azaz made a last defense in the natural fortress, and had made a courageous vow to his comrades: “Dear brothers, long time ago we made our aspiration – to serve only the true God but not the Romans or anyone else. Now, in this critical time, comes the moment to test our faith… it is God’s will that He granted us this glory to sacrifice for our freedom…” On the next day the Roman legion marched into the city, finding that all 967 Jewish warriors chose to martyr rather than to surrender. This is the persistent to the national faith that encouraged the Jews for 2,000 years to unite and to strive until they revived their country.

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