My Help, My Lord?

John, Voice Divine Add comments
Jesus says to him, Arise, take up thy couch and walk. <5:8>

In the house of mercy (Bethesda) — Lord blessed doubly :
1. Gracious words from the Lord of life — bringing renewed strength & healing to us?v.6?8?25?
2. Unceasing work by the Father and Son — save us from death and judgment?v.17?21?26?

?Meeting Jesus in Warsaw … Lau Hiu King??? had moved from China to Poland. His wife followed a “master” in Warsaw and was devoted in superstitious practices. Later she even claimed to have heard “secret words” and had “sealed” her heart. But peace was never in their home, he & his wife filled with hatred – they had once been deceived and lost a great sum of money, afterward they just wanted to revenge ! One day he went to a church gathering, heard the verse “Come to me (Jesus), all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Mt 11:28) , and learnt the teaching of loving the enemies. Finally he & his wife baptized by the end of 1996.

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