Great Love, Good Hope?

John, Voice Divine Add comments
He that believes in Me…streams of living water will flow from within him . <7:38>

“So with joy will you get water out of the springs of salvation”?Isa 12:3??
1. The droughty world?v.37?… The feast of tents is a revelation reminding us the droughty nature of this world which can never satisfy our hearts!
2. Rivers of living water?v.38…39?…our Lord is the Stone & the Spirit is the living water. We are the vessel delivering living water to people !

?Mona, a young sister, had made a good fortune in advertising sector. 6 years ago she met Jesus & found great joy in Him. She quitted smoking & sought for Jesus zealously,even resigned her job and served faithfully in a gospel organization for 5 years. This year she was called to put aside everything and enter theological seminary after summer, hoping to preach overseas 4 years later. She is going to tell her mother on Wednesday, pls pray for her.
?Brother Yung Chun Cheung ??? who loved and served the Lord silently in his whole life, had passed away peacefully in May, HK. Pls pray for his wife -sister Yung Wong Wai Fong|???? and his 4 children. May the Spirit comfort them.

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