Life Internal?

John, Voice Divine Add comments
… If any one thirst …

God ease our thirst — from Calvary to Pentecost:
1. God among men – Christ came and died for us , so that we can have eternal life!
2. God in our hearts – The spirit comes to live for us , so that we gain the internal life!

?The contempary educationist James C. Dobson had once mentioned the death of his father , which readjusted his view on death. Though he’s passionate in life and living , Dobson no longer views the end of this life as the greatest tragedy. Dobson believed that once he passed through the boundary of life and death, there will be numerous old friends waiting at the other side for him. In joy his father will lead him to see the boundless starry sky and the glorious city in heaven, also to see the Lord face to face – the God that Dobson had determined to serve since he was 3 !

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