Life Eternal?

John, Voice Divine Add comments
…I am the light of the world; he that follows me shall not walk in darkness…

Grace Beyond law, Light in darkness :
1. Before the holy God …our Lord maintains justice, but He also has mercy not to sentence us to death?v.11??
2. Follow the saviour, the light … Without God , Life is like a dream. But our Lord is the pillar of fire, giving light to our hearts & ways?v.12…20??

?A wonderful refuge…I have read about Goreme in Turkey, finding the wandering legends of the ancient saints . Goreme located in middle of Asia Minor, barren with jagged rocks . For two thousands years, groups of Christians came here to find refuge – in the Romans’prosecution and Islam’s’ genocide in various centuries. There are 10 underground cities, among them the Kaymakli consists of 8 storey with 85 meters down in the ground. It has church, hostels, monasteries, workrooms, etc, with a maximum capacity of 25,000 people. For more than a thousand years, ascetics and pure-hearted saints lived here & served the Lord. Only until First World War was over ,religious freedom was introduced in this area and they can see the light
of day .

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