The Day is Near?

John, Voice Divine Add comments
If therefore the Son shall set you free, you shall be really free.

2 keys to unlock the prison of soul :
1. The truth will make us free?8:10…11?32?— Let God speak to our hearts today!
2. The Spirit will make us free?Jn 20:22…23; Rom 8:2?— Now, ask the Spirit to breath on us!

?Bro Chiu Kin ?? had been a military man. He got master degrees in Chemistry and Computer Science after leaving the army. An Indonesian Chinese classmate shared gosepl with him , his supervisor in his company witnessed to him …. At last he found out that ideologies and teachings by men cannot change the human nature; but Christian beliefs have changed numerous lives. In 96’ he put aside his rational doubts and believed in Jesus. He said it wasn’t dramatic, but felt like many converted in N. America – the faith is solid & concrete!

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