Flee For Refuge -

Hebrews Add comments

Trust The Better Mediator! Ark Channel 111120 Wed Hebrews 8

For I will be merciful toward their wrongdoings, And their sins I will no longer remember. (v12)

Everything On Earth Will Pass Away!

1. But we have a High Priest in heaven
2. He is interceding and offering gifts for us
3. We have no fear only because we have Him

Hebrews 8

* The Babylonian Empire which once dominated the world had a throne room in the palace where the southern wall was 20 feet thick, the northern defence wall was 3 stories high, 50 feet thick with a wide moat …But then it was breached overnight, fulfilling the Bible prophecy (Jeremiah 51:30-32; Daniel 5). God rules over the realm of mankind!

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