Longing For The City!

Hebrews Add comments

Living As Strangers, By Faith! Ark Channel 161120 Mon Hebrews 11b

…wandering in deserts, on mountains, and sheltering in caves and holes in the ground. (v38)

Faith Of Pilgrims:
1. Some died in faith – holding onto God’s promise, with a vision of the new home in heaven after the pilgrimage!
2. Some live in faith – our testimony as pilgrims, waiting and desiring a better country!
Whether we live or die, the LORD is our God!

Hebrews 11:17-40

* Cambridge scholar Dr Sharon Dirckx explained that the nature of human beings consist not only the physical body and brain activity. In God’s creation, there’s a deeper real self! – Am I just my brain? (Oxford Big Questions))

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