He Opens Doors

John, Voice Divine Add comments
… The night is coming, when no one can work.

Unlimited Strength, Endless Sight
1. He saw us?v.1 ?… From then the limitless strength & tremendous change came upon the blind. Lord, give a look on me today !
2. He changed us ?v.38?… When a we see our Lord -the God eternal , life will be renewed with a new horizon!

?Prayer request — A newly believed sister Nancy ???? passed away last week . She trust the Lord in sickness and had peace in heart. She took care of her child & followed Jesus even in all tribulations. (The funeral will be held today (3/6 Sat), 1:00pm at Wing Ling Hall of the Universal Funeral Parlour. Topic of the gospel meeting: “The Light of Life …Jesus never changes”)

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