Look Upward : Faith?

John, Voice Divine Add comments
… if you should believe, you shouldt see the glory of God

Who has authority over life? —- His voice that brings resurrection & hope :
1. Turning a funeral into a gospel meeting?v.20…37?… Bring the Lord’s words into every kind of adversity , tears will become praises!
2. Turning mourning into prayers?v.38…44?… Before God show His glory ,there must be prayers!

?The latest issue of “Senior News” (a magazine for elders in HK) had a special report for Uncle Law – a habitual gambler for several decades. He had been a addicted gambler when he was young. His father lost his boot store because of him. Afterward Law devoted into real estate trading & made a fortune (several millions dollars) . But still he ended up losing all on gambling table! But after he believed in the Lord, he has given up gambling and attends church gathering every week. He is really like Lazarus who was called back to life from tomb!

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