By Faith, We Have Hope!

Peter 1 Add comments

Give an account of ourselves before God! – Ark Channel 271120 Fri 1 Peter 4

Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves with the same attitude…(v.1)

Trial by fire!
1. How do we understand hardships? – They purify life, and judge the flesh (v. 12,17)
2. What benefit are hard times? – God’s glory and His presence; when he comes, we share in His glory! (v.13-16)
3. How do we face difficulties? – Accept it as God’s will, do good, and give your heart to the Lord! (v.19)

1 Peter 4

The Second Coming of Christ” – In 1990, Billy Graham spoke in New York City; the message is timeless – beyond this life, patiently await a new day!

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