Look Forward – Hope?

John, Voice Divine Add comments
…but you will not always have me.?v.8?

Fragrance that remains in history:
1. Humble and selfless love?v.1…3?—- Grasp hold of today to pour out all for your Lord!
2. Pure and sincere worship?v.7?—- The whole house (whole church, or even the entire human race) will be blessed generation over generation by your actions in love towards Jesus!

?The Liu Gui Mountain Orphanage in Taiwan , was founded by Pastor Yeung Yu ??and his wife. In about 30 years ago, Yeung Yan Tin ???(means “grace” in Chinese) whose two arms and right leg were crippled since birth , was abandoned on the chopping board on a food market. Yeung’s wife was moved by God to adopt her and brought her up just as her own daughter. She taught Grace to draw with her leg and finally she become a famous artist ! She also goes around to encourage people and tell them the great love of God.

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