Love One Another?

John, Voice Divine Add comments
… love one another; as I have loved you …<13:34>

Last advices in Love:
1. He has loved his own who were in the world?v.1?
2. He wants us to love one another?v.34?

?Children’s offering — I know two mums teaching their children with godly heart. One teaches her kids to give thanks in all occasions. She made a “thanks giving box”at home, children write down whenever they give thanks and put into the box. At the end of year they will open the box to count God’s grace! Another mum teaches her daughter to offer. The girl earns pocket money by doing housework and saves them in little box. Last week the girl first time ever put her money earned into church offering box! (May God accept in delight)
?Little Sam had his two legs broken last week after children’s meeting . He suffered much from the pain. our Lord healed him miraculously. Here is the thank you message by Sam :“Thank you for praying for me. I am happy. God has healed me. Thank God. I can walk now and I may go back to school tomorrow,”— little Sam typed.

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