Abide in Him?

John, Voice Divine Add comments
…for without Me you can do nothing.

Divine relationship — 2 identities of us :
1. Our Lord is the Vine while we are the branches — We have to abide in Him forever to receive His supplies?v.1…11?
2. Our Lord no loner calls us servants, but call us friends — How blessed we are if you are friend of the President or GEC of major firms – we can see or phone them any time! ?v.12…17?

?Pastor Maak Hay Chun??? met a gentleman on a plane. His company had branches in HK, Singapore and Taiwan, and he travels very often. The gentleman asked about the company of Maak and its size, Maak said, “It is the largest in the world, having several dozens branches in every major city and at least three or four in every village. Its name is“The Church of Christ Jesus”, and I’m a pastor in it “

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