Hear Him!

John 2, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
For the truth’s sake which abides in us and shall be with us to eterninty. <1:2>

Balanced life — love & truth are complementary :
1. To live out the truth in love (v.4-6) — Love is not based on emotion, but the words of God. Let the Words motivate your life!
2. To stand for the truth in love (v.7-11) — we are surrounded by many deceivers. Be aware of false teachings & say no to sin!

*widen your horizons with global vision — the calling from Africa: Bro Caleb Chu writes about Angola again, “God sent me to African for engineering work. People in this land are blessed by God. Although in poverty, they are incredibly happy – one day a driver played a music track in the car. I didn’t understand the lyrics but I knew it was the song we sang in church — So,we called each other as brotehrs! Angolans are very poor but they love God. How sweet the name of Jesus is!” (There are 55 countries in Africa with about 8 billion of population. South to Sahara desert, the number of AIDS patients counts 50% of total AIDS cases in world: 20.58 million!
Lift up yr hands & pray for this land!

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