He Lives in Me !

John, Voice Divine Add comments
the Spirit of truth…abides with you… in you. <14:17>

Good news — God wants to live with men:
1. The true God dwell among us — to unite with us forever?v.21…24??
2. The Spirit stayed in our hearts– to comfort us & grant us peace?v.25…31?

?Lee King Hin ??? the traveler mentioned in his journal about his round-the-globe traveling. He found that the countries most backward & poor is in Middle Africa. These are also the most annoying countries. He found that most places there are ruled by tyrants. But he met two missionaries in the rainforest. One of them has lived for 25 years in this poor place, teaching the native people to cultivate, to read ,to write and to build houses. He had even trained 3 dentists there!

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