I Am The Beginning & The End!

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Incense Are The Prayers Of Saints! Ark Channel 141220 Mon Rev 5

…Worthy are You to take the scroll and to break its seals; for You were slaughtered, and You purchased people for God with Your blood from every tribe, language, people, and nation. (v9)

Singing, Praising, Worshipping!
1. Revelation is full of sounds in heaven, on earth, under the earth and on the sea… Today what sound touches us the most? What sound changes our destiny today and in the future?
2. Are we willing to listen attentively to heaven’s triumph song? And also listen quietly to the worship of all creation?

Revelation 5

* Voice of the Shepherd: I have been serving full time in the church for some time, joyful in seeing the flock grow. While serving, I learned two things: One is to stay healthy with more exercise, in hope of serving the Lord for a longer time, and to help the next generation. Another is to learn to work with everyone, broaden one’s mind, work with church leaders, different organisations to brainstorm and pool resources to do more with less. God’s grace is infinite! Let’s strive together – Chi Kong/ 志剛 (HK)

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