See a Door Standing Open in Heaven! Sunday Hope_13/12/2020

Revelations, Sunday Hope Add comments

God Worthy of Glory and Honour and Power! – Sunday Hope 131220 Revelation 4

The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. (v7)

The four living creatures before God – manifestation of the attributes of Christ:
1. The Four Gospels in the Bible depict the attributes of Christ – like a lion (kingship in Matthew), like an ox (servanthood in Mark), a man (perfect human nature in Luke), like an eagle (God’s transcendence in John)
2. Christians should act like a lion against the Enemy, like an ox towards God, human towards people, like a flying eagle in face of all situations!
* Are we faced with oppositions on all sides? We have the bountiful provisions from Christ in heaven!

Revelation 4

讓平安降臨人間 (Let Peace Descend on Earth)
* Listen to the Mandarin singing of Children from Malaysia, who prayed for peace of their nation and people in the world

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