Burying the Past?

John, Voice Divine Add comments
And you now therefore have grief; but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice…<16:22>

Why worry if the Spirit is in our hearts ?
1. Empty yourself for the Spirit to come?v.7…11?… We often only experience the closest relation with the Spirit in adversities!
2. Cleanse yourself for the Spirit to fill?v.20…22?… The work of the cross is from death to life!

?All the world is now crazy for World Cup. Alex Ribeiro, the pastor of Brazil team, has been with the team for 4 timesof World Cup He said they are only seeking the glory of God! Do you know how many God-loving brothers are in Brazil team this year? ?a. 3 b.5 c.7?
?The number of cancer patients rises drastically all over the world. The terminal cancer patients especially need caring . I recommend the CDs ?????????by Rev. Leung Ying On which I’m listening recently. He described how the patients pass away peacefully while hope and comfort are brought to their family — by the help of the Spirit.

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