All Lands Shall Fear Him!

Revelations Add comments

Awing at the Awesome Future! – Ark Channel 181220 Fri Revelation 9

…Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates. (v.14)

The four evil angels bound at the great river Euphrates were reserved for the tribulation at the sixth trumpet:
1. God can use Satan and its messengers to accomplish His will
2. Look carefully at the situation of the world; when the four angels are released, 1/3 of the population will die!

Revelation 9

* Peter Chan, a pastor in Sweden, spoke last Sunday on “A church built on the joy of the Lord”. This was the churches of Stockholm, Helsinki and Gothenberg. Both the young and the old were present to witness Christ’s salvation and protection. During the gathering, we touched on building together a church that is present together, walks in the truth, preaches the gospel, delights in sharing! Please pray for Peter and his family, and for the revival of the northern European church!

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