Blood Of The Lamb, Life’s Triumphant Song!

Revelations Add comments

Receiving Special Protection! Ark Channel 211220 Mon Rev 12

Then the woman fled into the wilderness where she had a place prepared by God, so that there she would be nourished for 1,260 days. (v6)

Protected Under Great Persecution!
1. God cares for those who belong to Him and miraculously prepare for their deliverance from evil.
2. There is a time limit for tribulation as God promises those enduring to the end will be saved.
* Today the devil can act violently (v9-11) but he will soon meet his doom! (Rev ch19-20)

Revelation 12

* God’s presence in 9 hours – I discovered a 5cm tumour in my brain and entrusted to the Lord in prayer. My surgery took 9 hrs. The Lord promised me: weeping may last for the night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning! My first words after waking was to invite the two doctors to accept the Lord. My wife told me when I was in ICU, I said to her, “Thank the Lord, glory to God.” (I subsequently forgot). In ICU, I prayed in tears through the night and preached the gospel to the nurses. My wife and I was given permission to have the Lord’s table to remember our Lord in ICU. May we spend the remainder of our days focusing on the Lord’s work! ~ Chi Bun/之彬 (HK)

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