We are One?

John, Voice Divine Add comments
… that they may be one as We. <17:11>

Glorious prayer —- 4 reasons that we can become overcomers:
1. Since we share His life ?v.1…5?
2. Since we know His name?v.6…12?
3. Since we have His words?v.13…19?
4. Since we have a share in His glory?v.20…26?

* In Taiwan a woman buried her savings of 2 millions dollars in a hillside. Flood and landslides came. 2 years afterward the woman found that the notes she buried all worn-out . Mt 25 :27 reminds us to make use of the talents God has given us. Make sure that we have deposited the money into the heavenly bank , so that we can take it back with interest when our Lord returns!
?There are 7 Christians altogether in this year’s Worldcup Brazil team, may click

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