Desperate We Cry, Ceaseless You Save!

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Two Beasts Rampant, Dangerous Times! Ark Channel 221220 Tue Rev 13

And the beast that I saw was like a leopard, and his feet were like those of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his power and his throne, and great authority. (v2)

Antichrist Is The Embodiment Of Satan:
1. The Antichrist is swift and skilled at destroying and devouring.
2. Rampant rule by force comes from the devil Satan
* In the end times, persecution accelerates, mounting pressure leaves people breathless (Rev 13), but in the next chapter, there’s a change of scene and a new heaven (Rev 14). Why despair?

Revelation 13

* Every yearend, we read Revelation per our Bible reading schedule. There are many different talks on this subject on the internet that we must discern carefully. Dr. Timothy Wu’s/ 吳獻章老師 messages on Revelation is worth listening: Christ In Troubled Times

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