Hear ? Obey?

John, Voice Divine Add comments
that they may be all one… <17:21>

Prayer of depature — 4 things Jesus cares the most (according to His sequence):
1. God’s glory?v.1?
2. Sanctification of men?v.19?
3. Unity of the church?v.21?
4. gospel to the lost world?v.23?
Are we living & serving according to His priority?

?Yesterday I preached gospel in funeral of a 90-year-old sister. She accepted Jesus in 1931 – Beijing, attended Wong Ming Tao’s ???sermons . Her husband suffered from lung disease . so she worked alone to support of 5 kids. She used to teach them singing “I really know Jesus loves me”. With all efort she hepled children grow up with all talents . Though she was troubled by sickness herself, still kept on praying for children & grandchildren. Yesterday her descendants came from at least 7 cities over he world ! A little faith had changed the whole famly!

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