The Sun Shines On All The Land!

Revelations Add comments

Look! The Lamb stands on Mount Zion! – Ark Channel 251220 Fri Revelation 16

…You are righteous, O Lord, The One who is and who was and who is to be, Because You have judged these things (v.5)

God cleans the house in order – the seven bowls of disaster:
1. Judgement on Religion (v.2-9)
2. Judgement on Politics (v.10-12)
3. Judgement on Militant (v.14-16)
4. Judgement on Economy (v.17-21)
* Every sphere of evil will be judged; the one who promises us is faithful!

Revelation 16

* 「Days together」 – Prof. Joseph Shum/沈祖堯教授 | (10/10/2020/ NPAC Gospel Meeting on Church Anniversary)

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