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Babylon the Great is Judged by God! Ark Channel 261220 Sat Revelation 17

… but the Lamb will triumph over them…. (v14)

The great harlot? Or the bride of the Lamb?
1. The great harlot is filled with wicked deeds and deceptions. The whole world will be intoxicated. We must discern the truth from falsity, and see the filthy power which is godless and immoral. (Revelation 17)
2. We are the church of Christ, cleansed and spotless because of the precious blood of the Lamb. As His bride, we should be filled with truth and passion for Him. (Revelation 21)

Revelation 17

* Good news for a festive season – Sister Ah Kiu / 亞橋 was joining a carol singing event yesterday in Tung Chung, Hong Kong. She met an elderly lady who had difficulty walking. She grasped the chance and chatted with this lady about the gospel, with social distancing. Repeating after her clearly in finishing a prayer, sentence by sentence, this lady believed in the Lord and had eternal life. Our King of Peace, let’s all welcome Him, far and near!

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