Silver and Gold? Or Hay and Wood? – Sunday Hope_27/12/2020

Revelations, Sunday Hope Add comments

He Will Avenge Them on Her! – Sunday Hope 271220 Revelation 18

Rejoice over her… for God has avenged you on her! (v20)

God has remembered her iniquities!
1. Babylon the Great, a symbolic city of the demonic work of Satan over the ages, also widely applicable to the wicked military and economic systems that came after the Roman Empire. (v1-19)
2. Despite our living in this world, God calls our heart to come out of the unrighteousness and vanity of materialistic desires. The sinful city will fall. The holy city is in sight! (v.20-24)

Revelation 18

* A mother of five boys, who can still sing with her sweet voice, having the Lord as her companion, closer in her walk with Him! Just a Closer Walk with Thee / Sounds Like Reign

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