Keep Simple?

John, Voice Divine Add comments
Jesus says to them, I am .… …?Peter?says, I am not. ?v.5?17?

The time of trial — after prayer :
1. Facing the future — Put yourself and all your possessions, being and hope in the Father’s hands. ?Jn Ch.17?
2. Move forward today — The real meaning of prayer is not to ease our pains. Instead it should be a road of cross – just after Jesus had made a deepest prayer, the Father put him into a hopeless situation (Jn Ch.18)

* Old Mrs. Cheung had worshipped idols for many years. She lived in elder’s home. Her health was not good and had a bad temper. When 86, she was once sent to hospital. Her tired granddaughter prayed for her, and, as filled by the Spirit, she asked her grandmother gently,‘We know we will see Lord Jesus after this life, will you come to our side?” Mrs. Cheung answered, “Yes, I want to believe in Jesus too.” After believing her health turned better, and she was taken by the Lord peacefully till she was 92. “Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.” (Ps 16:9)

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