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Clothe In Fine Linen Bright & Clean! Ark Channel 281220 Mon Rev 19

“…because the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His bride has prepared herself.” (v7)

Blessed Are Those Attending The Wedding Feast Of the Lamb!
1. The time John wrote Revelation, the church under oppression to worship the empire and emperor. (v1-10)
2. But the Spirit displays the wonderful worship in heaven so we can refocus and respond to the heavenly praises. Stand to worship God, evil will be judged by Him! (v11-21)

Revelation 19

* Journalist Malcolm Muggeridge was a reporter during WWII. One night feeling lonely and hopeless he jumped into the water and swam. Suddenly he turned and saw lights afar and he swam towards the shore. Knowing it was God who saved him, he was overwhelmed with supernatural joy! Having been an atheist his whole life, he converted to Christianity and later in life was elected as Rector of Edinburgh University. He concluded that all the adverse situations in his life was from God for his learning so his life may mature and shine!

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