From Another Place?

John, Voice Divine Add comments
… Everyone on the side of trth listens to me. (v.37)

Special administrative region of Christ — ruling in the lives of the truth-seekers :
1.Our Lord’s kingdom is a kingdom of truth (v.36) — He is expanding His territory in our hearts – to conquer the hearts of many !
2. Our Lord Himself is the King of Truth (v.37) — His kingship comes from heaven. Where there are His people, there will be the testimony of the truth.

* Rival in love becomes matchmaker – I know a lawyer Simon who pursued a girl classmatewith all his heart when he studied in university in England. He is good looking and he has a good educational background, besides he also speaks well. These made him a decent choice, but the girl loved Jesus rather than him! Simon was defeated , which he considered a great defeat. As driven by curiosity he went to church to take a close examination about his “rival in love”. However, he felt the goodness of faith, love and hope as shown by the saints and he himself surrendered to Jesus also! After 3 years, surprisingly Jesus had become his matchmaker instead of rival. Simon married the girl he solivd before! They loved each other and served the Lord together ever since.

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