The Past Is Gone!

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God Himself Will Be Among Us! Ark Channel 301220 Wed Rev 21

And He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” (v5)

Some Say We Will Be Surprised By Two Things In The New Jerusalem:
1. All the sacrifices we made in this life for the Lord will be remembered forever and rewarded a hundred fold.
2. The fame, fortune, love and hate we have been chasing in this life will be no more!
* Time and space changed; all evil and injustice judged and cleared; grievances and tears wiped away. No more hidden darkness in the heavenly city for the glory of God illuminates it and its lamp is the Lamb. (v21)

Revelation 21

* “Voice of OC”「海外校園」is for overseas Chinese intellectuals. It is an audio magazine covering a wide range of subjects and various topics on life. Voice of OC

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