
Matthew Add comments

All to Jesus, All to Jesus! – Ark Channel 01/01/2021 Fri Matthew 1

…God with us. (v.23)

The legend of God with mankind!
1. God starts, God moves, God finishes. May God be amidst all of our stories this year!
2. Our Jesus is “God who saves”. This year, He will love till the end and save till the end!

Matthew 1:1-17

* In pursuit of excellence, XY Kang/康心怡 became an outstanding lawyer. One year when hearing David Pao/鮑維均 speak on the Bible, her heart and spirit was inspired. Many years later at the height of her career, she was called to Chicago to study Divinity. Sis. Kang’s miraculous journey: arkchannel sharing (Cantonese)

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

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