
John, Voice Divine Add comments
I thirst ! (v.28)

The death of Christ — three things for us :
1. He was wounded for our sins — Isa 53:4-6
2. He gave his life for us when we were still sinners — Rom 5:8-9
3. Him who had no knowledge of sin God made to be sin for us — 2 Cor 5:21
Thank you, Jesus!

* An elder sister Leung in HK served God diligently and loved people for many years though her health was poor . She comforted many families with sicknesses especially. Recently her old spine problem reoccurred and was very painful. She will be sent to the hospital. Pls pray for her.
* Be alert to pray — The Episcopal Church of America elected a female bishop who spoke in public that homosexualism is not a sin. On the other hand, the secondary and primary schools of BC in Canada are going to include material about homosexualism in their syllabus. But Australia government abolished homosexual marriage according to the federal legal statutes in 04 – that reads “marriage is a joining between a male and female”.

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