Live a More Beautiful Life!

Matthew, Pray Add comments

You Shall Call His Name Jesus! – Ark Channel 02/01/2021 Sat Matthew 1b

… for He will save His people from their sins. (v.21)

That the Lord’s word might be fulfilled!
1. The fulfilment of the Old Testament was mentioned in Matthew in at least 129 places.
2. Nothing is by chance that happens, is it? The history is all in the hand of our Saviour King.

Matthew 1:18-25

* From Dixon IP/葉特生 in LA – Hospitals here are crowded with Covid-19 patients. My medical appointment has turned online. The pandemic is making hospitals busy, but giving medical workers a break from their routine. Chronic patients refuse to go to hospitals. Doctors and nurses in non-Covid wards have little work to do, and take the initiative to show their care for patients, offering them online medical consultation. There are funny scenes too. The pandemic causes some to worry that they might look less respectable because few would attend their future funerals. Some had prepaid expensive funeral service fee for themselves, like paying an insurance premium, fearing that their own children might not be able to do so for them. It turned out that only a few could attend such funerals due to the pandemic. I think of a story about a missionary and a rich man. I like to share it here: The missionary was penniless when he died, but was welcomed by the angelic hosts in heaven; the rich man had a lavish funeral, but nobody knew him in heaven. So, how should we choose to live?

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