New Hope !

John, Voice Divine Add comments
Early in the morning , Jesus stood on the shore…

Remain in the world to serve — 3 aspects of our serving:
1. Be obedient with all our hearts and be fishermen of men (v.1-8)
2. Love the Lord will all our hearts and be faithful shepherds (v.9-18)
3. Follow Him with all our might and be disciples with vision (v.19-25)

* Dora had a hard childhood. So she devoted herself in working when she grew up. Though she had become famous in the financial world, she found no real happiness in heart. In 83’ she had a great sickness. Both doctors and fortune tellers couldn’t help her. At last she met God in a church. She was baptized in 99’ at River Jordan, all the hatred disappeared from her. God gave her a verse, “…I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will add fifteen years to your life.” (Isa 38:5) Soon her sickness was cured and she shares the Lord’s love everywhere ! (Dora’s story had been cinematized as “The Lie of Happiness”, shown in HK )

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