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Once Upon A Time An Ancient Mystery ! Ark Channel 04/01/2021 Mon Matt 2b

Then when Herod…became very enraged, and sent men and killed all the boys who were in Bethlehem…who were two years old or under… (v16)

For those who sought the Child’s life are dead (v20)!
1. The authority of the Roman Empire was abused. Matthew was not saying God sacrificed the children, instead he was telling us the cruel injustice of the real world!
2. Looking back for thousands of years, where are the Roman Empire and Herod now? Who is still being worshipped today? Who is still being called Lord?

Matthew 2:13-23

* Walking with me – For many years, we have been supplied, advised and encouraged by the Ark Channel, accompanying us through the years.Whether in the bright springtime or in trials, we are supported and encouraged. Sincerely thank and praise the Lord! May the Lord greatly bless your labor which is not in vain. ~ Sister Keung/姜姊妹 (HK) arkchannel sharing (Cantonese)

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