New Day

John, Voice Divine Add comments
Peace be with you… Peace be with you…Peace be with you …(v.19, 21,26)

3 blessings of peace :
1. Are you in fear ? —Our Lord’s appearing gives you peace (v.19)
2. Are you perplexed ? — Our Lord’s sending gives you peace (v.21)
3. Are you in misbelieve? — Our Lord’s words shows you peace (v.26)
Don’t forget that the 3 times our Lord appeared after his resurrection were in gatherings of the disciples. If you don’t come to gatherings…..

* I preached “The Gracious Love” in last Sunday gospel meeting, His name victorious. A youth Ah Tak witnessed that he had been wandering in the world. He owed a large some of unpaid credit card liabilities, involved in piracy trading and drug trafficking; he was also addicted in drugs. Once he was brought to the church and heard the 7 words of Jesus on the cross , he turned to Jesus in tears. After that he was reconciled with his family and stopped all his illegal businesses. Even I myself was captured by his speech and nearly forgot to speak…Who else except the Lord can save him from all his sins ! ?

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