Store Up Treasures In Heaven!

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Do Not Worry About Tomorrow! Ark Channel 11/01/2021 Mon Matthew 6b

yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more important than they? (v26)

Teaching In Wilderness – Knowing God In Pure Heart!
1. In giving, praying and fasting, reveal the quality of His holy life (v1-18)
2. Man’s praises cannot compare to God’s caring! Our Father in heaven knows all our needs!

Matthew 6:16-34

* Saint’s footsteps – Bro. Kasen in HK will be returning to the US to continue his education. His flight for Chicago departs at 4am. Our brother grew up in the church. May the Lord protect his health, safety, education and heart, to follow our Savior Christ all his days. In our prayers, we remember him.

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