Name of Wonder!

Acts, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
Sovereign Lord… You made the heaven and the earth and the sea,and everything in them…

His Name is our victory:
1. People of God — lifting up the name of Jesus Christ is the power of origin (v.1-14)
2. Enemies of God– refusing His name gives nothing but threatening (v. 15-22)
3. Church of God– calling out the name of Jesus Christ is the only way (v.23-31)
Go to Him and call out His name while you can still be saved by this name now.

*Desiring for God’s words? — may find a few links as resource for Bible studies below:
English: ; Simplified Chinese web : The Home of Jonah — contains numerous books – from collections of Watchman Nee, Stephen Kaung , to The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren

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