Pour Out Your Heart To Father God!

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Disciples Wary As Serpents, Innocent As Doves! Ark Channel 19/01/2021 Tue Matthew 10b

A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a slave above his master. (v24)

Travel Light, Trusting In Father God!
1. We are ambassadors for the gospel, pure and peaceful. Persecuted in one city, flee to the next (v23)
2. Smile and know that even the hairs of your head are all numbered by Father God (v30)

Matthew 10:26-42

* Professor Nan-Chi A.CHANG/張南驥教授, authority in immunology tells us virus maybe God’s warning on our pride and arrogance! Professor Chang is a devout Christian, laments the plague may teach us to be still. He said, “Be still”. God is giving us a reminder.

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