More Thanks, Fewer Sighs! Sunday Hope_24/01/2021

Matthew, Sunday Hope Add comments

Yielding Crop a Hundredfold! – Sunday Hope 24/01/2021 Matthew 13

… For when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, immediately he stumbles. (v.21)

The Lord Sows His Word into Our Heart:
1. A heart at the wayside – the sown word is snatched before it grows
2. A heart of shallow and stony soil – the sown word is scorched as soon as it grows
3. A heart of thorny soil – the sown word is choked without yielding crops
4. A heart of good ground – being serious to God’s business and yields plentiful crop

Matthew 13:1-30

* Theme Song for ONE Hearing the Word Campaign, a global campaign to inspire listening to the Bible. Unfolding the vision of Matthew 28 and Revelation 22, the harmonious song is composed for unity — One Lord, One God, One Hope!

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