Gather The Wheat Into My Barn!

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Looking For Fine Pearls! Ark Channel 25/01/2021 Mon Matthew 13b

Then the righteous will shine forth like the sun in the kingdom of their Father… (v43)

Just Be Faithful:
1. Even though the world is evil, unjust and corrupt are the church in the end time, where there are wheat and weeds, God is still in control!
2. Do not be stumbled by the presence of weeds, We are the wheat with life, just yield good grains!

Matthew 13:31-58

* My wife’s grandmother passed away. My sister-in-law was touched by all the brothers and sisters who helped and provided support. She experienced the Lord in her pregnancy and in giving birth. Last week she accepted the Lord. The world is difficult but our Lord is lovable! ~Rinco (HK)

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