Let’s Go ?

Acts, Voice Divine Add comments
…for he went on his way rejoicing. <8:39>

Parting after gathering -for widespread of gospel and Lord’s name :
1. Hardships and prosecutions…Don’t be contented with easy times. The church should expand outward throughout lands according to Lord’s words!?v.1…3?
2. Preaching and witnessing… times of gathering or times of parting are all for preaching. Save someone no matter enjoying prosperous church life or find lonely!?v.4…40?

?2 days ago I received an emergency call telling me that uncle Cho, the father-in-law of Lee Lap Poon??? in Canada, is near to the end of his life. They sincerely hoped that someone can bring him to receive eternal life. I asked brother Ko Ka Yu??? who is a hospital pastor to visit him. Uncle Cho believed in Lord and rejoiced. He started to read gospel of Luke. At 7:30 pm last night, we and his family witnessed his baptism beside his bed. And he received the Holy Communion for the first time ! ?There are hospital pastoral service everywhere.Make good use of it . Information in HK click or click

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