I Have Compassion for These People!

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Lord, help me! – Ark Channel 29/01/2021 Fri Matthew 15b

…Your request is granted… (v.28)

Do not be foolish!
1. Do we have the heart of Christ, focusing on the immediate need of a person rather than rules and regulations? (v.1-28)
2. Amongst the need and turmoil, are we partnering with God and distributing the grain of life in due seasons? (v.29-39)

Matthew 15:21-39

*Andrew LOKE/駱德恩 speaks on why God allows suffering. Sometimes, God wants to work miracles. At other times, he uses suffering to prepare us, to bring us closer to him, and to bring others closer to Him, just as a doctor uses surgery to heal a patient. Indeed, tough times make us humble, patient, forgiving, and willing to accept discipline. (2 Corinthians 4:16-18) arkchannel sharing

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