Jesus I Love You?

Acts, Voice Divine Add comments
Who are you, Lord? … I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting?

Encounter in Life Journey — 3 surprises:
1. Finding Christ?v.1…9?…Maybe we are ambitious in searching the truth of life, but don’t forget it is the resurrected Lord of history who found us!
2. Finding the church?v.10…19?…most ordinary brother can be the greatest angel sent by God to you!
3. Facing persecution?v.20…25?…Faith often contradicts the world. There must be hard life ahead, are you prepared for this?

?Lord Jesus, I love you – Praise the Lord, our dear brother Hou Wai Kit ??? was taken by Lord at 3 am today. Now he is resting in peace from his 42 years’ life on earth, having the Lord with him and he with the Lord. May Lord comfort his wife 2 children, that they may follow his faith, love & hope. (Bro Hou joined the church about 2 years ago. I visited him when he was in serious sickness. He had no grumbling, instead he prayed for many others. Frankie Choy visited him for his last time, he entrusted his family to the church, then he shouted on his bed: “Lord Jesus, I love you!”

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