Admit Weakness, Mutual Prayers!

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Desiring To See Your Gracefulness! Ark Channel 03/02/2021 Wed Matthew 18a

…“Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” (v1)

Reverse Thinking In The Heavenly Kingdom:
1. Whoever will humble himself like this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
2. Whoever receives one such child in My name, receives Me.

Matthew 18:1-14

* The gravity of the moon’s trajectory is just enough to stabilise the 23.5 degree inclination of the earth’s axis so the earth has four seasons and all things grow in its time! If the moon is slightly larger, then the earth’s tide will be too strong, its rotation will be too slow, the temperature between day and night will be too huge for mankind to survive. The planet on which we live seems to have been tuned by an invisible hand!

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