Blessed He Who Comes In The Name Of The LORD!

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Untie And Bring Them To Me! Ark Channel 09/02/2021 Tue Matthew 21a

…‘My house will be called a house of prayer’… (v13)

I Am Willing To Be A Colt Forever:
1. Untie my unhappiness to invite the king of life into my heart!
2. The world is in turmoil but worship God, His kingdom will never shake!

Matthew 21:1-22

* Scholar Paul Stevens advised people to be the repentant Jonah. Once he didn’t want to preach the gospel anymore. He took a long-distance bus and said to God, “Please, don’t ask me to preach the gospel.” The long-haired rock singer sitting next to him asked him about his profession. Stevens coldly answered that he was “teaching.” Asked: “What do you teach?” Stevens said, “It’s about God.” The singer said, “Oh! Then tell me…what is God like?” Our God is that humorous! (in Cantonese)

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