Peace in the New Year!

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He is God of the living! – Ark Channel 12/02/2021 Fri Matthew 22b

…I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? (v.32)

Jesus used banquets 9 times to allude to the gospel – delicious and rich!
Congratulations, those who have God, who have eternity in their sights! The everlasting and eternal God gives grace to every generation!

Matthew 22:23-46

* Raymond Chan filmed a heart-warming movie titled “Waiting for a hug“/「等一個擁抱」. He says that in life, what we need the most is not violence and terror, but the warmth of relationships. When he was young, he made many mistakes, ruined the reputation of his family, and his family members would not speak with him for five years. He was chased out of his house, working in a factory during the day and studying at night. In his fifth year of school, his father found him, and then learned that these years, he had not gone astray but had instead gone to church. His father invited him to move home, and then Raymond learned that his mother and sister had long forgiven him!

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