Preach In All The World, Then The End Will Come!

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Hated By All Nations Because Of My Name! Ark Channel 15/02/2021 Mon Matthew 24a

For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’…mislead many people. (v5)

Dangerous End Times In The Prophecy:
1. Mislead, alarms, hatred, people’s love turn cold (v5,6,9)
2. Be prepared for danger in times of peace; be watchful and prepared for whatever ahead.
3. Be a vigilant person, even more so be an evangelist!

Matthew 24:1-28

* LK SUN/ 孫立基 who works in Northwestern University, US, wrote in the Chinese Christian Mission magazine / 中信 that this famous university has John 1:14 engraved on its front gate. This is the school motto established by 9 founding pastors and donors – “The Word… full of grace and truth.” Hope people will remember it!

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